Monday, March 25, 2013

The Wait Begins...

...technically it began Sunday about 5:15 pm but who's counting. It was a very long weekend that's for sure. The class was very good and a lot of information. Luckily, the instructor was very funny so it made the class that much better. It was interesting to "learn" that particular organizations views on weight training and training n general. I mean most of it was the same/common knowledge it there were some ideas that were different. I will say, though, that when he was explaining why certain exercises were not beneficial and explained the science behind it (muscular structure, etc), it made complete sense.

Now, if I had remembered anatomy and kinesiology from college, that would have been helpful too!! I mean that was only 15+ years ago and I don't use the knowledge so why would I remember it! Hahaha. The test was not too bad. There were many questions I knew right away but then there were some that I looked and thought "What the bleep bleep bleep?!?!?!" So it's a crap shoot at this point. I am supposed to hear something in 2-3 weeks so fingers crossed!

Saturday night my brother and I went to have frozen yogurt. He had been nice enough to be my body dummy as I was naming planes of movement, muscles, joints, etc as he demonstrated exercises. Boy did we work up an appetite for sugar. Here's the problem with siblings with serious sweet teeth walking to get frozen yogurt. They have to walk by the yummy Mexican bakery. 20 minutes later, we were back on the sidewalk walking to the yogurt shop with a bag of pastry goodies!! Yep. No will power sometimes but boy were they worth it!! And we didn't even eat them all at once!! I think that shows great restraint!

This coming weekend I am off to Minneapolis to see Bill and watch my Grizz play!! It's been a few months since I've been to a game so I'm very excited. I just hope they start playing better because if they play like garbage, I am not gonna be a happy camper. And Marky Marc has been injured so I hope he is better by Saturday :(

No new update on the hip. Well, other than it still hurts. And I can't run.

Did I mention I can't run???? UGH!!!

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