Monday, April 29, 2013

I'm Sorry! I'm Sorry!

I am a terrible blogger, I know!  I didn't realize it has been almost a month since I posted anything.  Good thing I don't get paid for blogging or I would be the best dressed homeless person! 

It's been a crazy month, that's for sure.  But the snow is FINALLY gone and it was 60+ degrees this past weekend.  I had forgotten what warm weather felt like!  Here's a short version of what's been going on...

One of my good friends from Memphis met me in Milwaukee a few weekends ago.  Such fun!  We hung out, toured a brewery, went to the Harley museum, had dinner at a Safe House (that's all I can tell you because we are sworn to secrecy) and generally had a fantastic weekend! 

Then the bombings happened.  I actually found out about it while I was driving home from Milwaukee.  I listened to the radio coverage for most of the drive home.  I have to say that of all the recent, horrible events that have occurred, this one impacted me the most.  I'm not sure if it's because I am a runner and can't even fathom experiencing that or because I love Boston so much.  Either way, it really did consume my life for a while.  Every news report. Every photo on line.  One of my co-workers told me a few days after the bombings, that I was no longer allowed to run races in the US.  While I appreciate her concern, I told her that the US is probably the safest place to run a race now.  I just can't even imagine what the victims are going through.  That could have been any one of my loved ones that so graciously come watch me race.  Makes me thankful for them and thankful that no one I know what injured.  The local trail runners group held a "Run for Boston" last week.  It was pretty special. 

If I had been thinking about it, I would have worn all of my Red Sox garb.  But, that's okay.  It was great to run this with Tania.  And I actually ran most of it.  My hip started to hurt after about a mile and a half but we only did 2 1/2 miles so I just toughed it out. 

Speaking of my hip, surgery is this Friday.  It's a different surgery than last year in that he is doing what's called an Iliopsoas Tendon lengthening.  He's also going to see if there is a labral tear (what I had last year).  My money has been on labral tear this whole time so we will see if I am right.  Here's some info on what is going to happen in case you are interested.

Because this surgery is different/involves more, I get some fun equipment after for post-op.  There's this wonderful machine that basically moves my leg for me.

And then there is the "iceman" machine that keeps my hip cold/decreases swelling.  And then there is this beauty...

Yep.  I feel old as crap!  They tell me I can wear it under clothes and you would never know.  I'm not sure I believe "them".  So I'm pretty sure I will not be leaving the house as long as I have to wear that. 

But my momma is coming in Thursday night and staying for 2 1/2 weeks.  I have the best momma in the world!  Of course, she's an old pro at this by now.  Let's just hope we don't have any falling accidents like last year after my surgery.  No long hallways this year but a set of stairs which should be interesting. 

So I will probably be blogging more while on recovering.  I mean, what else am I going to do?  Though my blogs might not be very interesting.  Of course, if I right them while on pain killers, they might be the funniest ones I've ever written!! 

One more thing before I go.  I FINALLY came up with a name for my Personal Trainer business and have set up a website.  Check it out!  I haven't really customized it yet with pictures and stuff but I'm working on that.  I had hoped to start seeing clients May 1st but since my surgery is the 3rd and I won't be able to show clients how to do exercises, it will probably be June 1st.  I am happy to do "long-distance" training too so if you are interested let me know.  I can design a program for you and we can video-chat once or twice a week. 

That's all for now, boys and girls!  Have a super week!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! for getting things set up for your personal training business. I am sure your surgery will go well and will be thinking and praying for you.
