Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Paleo Queen

Yep that's me!! I'm going Paleo and doing pretty well. Jess is slowly convincing me to go gluten-free as well. That may be a little slower to catch on but I try it when I can. Here are my two new favorite (read: only) Paleo recipes. Thanks Jess!!

Practical Paleo Pancakes (aka PP to Jess and I)
4 eggs
1/2c canned pumpkin
1t real vanilla
1T real maple syrup
1t pumpkin pie spice
1t cinnamon
1/4t baking soda
2T melted coconut oil

Whisk wet ingredients. Then add dry. Cook in pan like regular pancakes. Batter will seem thin. I ended up using a whole can of pumpkin, little more vanilla and cinnamon because the first few tasty egg-y. I LOVE LOVE LOVE these warmed in microwave (I made a big batch and froze them) with fresh almond butter and thawed/warmed frozen berries. YUM YUM YUM!!!

Practical Paleo Pumpkin-Cranberry Muffins

6 eggs
1/2c canned pumpkin
1/4c coconut oil melted
1t real vanilla
1/2 c maple syrup
1/2c coconut flour
1/2t sea salt
1/4t baking soda
1T pumpkin pie spice
1/2c cranberries

Whisk wet ingredients. Mix dry separate. Slowly add dry (in fourths). Bake at 350 for 35 minutes. Dried cranberries work great too! These will be snacks for me during my class this weekend.

What class you ask?? Well, if you remember a post a whole back, I mentioned becoming a personal trainer. This weekend I am going to Chicago to take a class and then take the test. So hopefully in a few weeks will be certified!! I was going to try t work at the gym I go to. But last week, while volunteering at the YMCA, I was giving a tour to a prospective member (who happened to work at the VA and I've emailed him several times but we had never met!) we were talking about the gm I go to. That's where he currently goes but wants to leave. Anyway, he mentioned having been a trainer there so we chatted and he informed me that they charge $30 for 30 minutes which is normal. What is NOT normal, though is that the trainer Bly gets $10 of that. WHAT??? That's absurd!! Plus, the PT manager has yet to return any of my calls. Though she did call me yesterday to tell me they had noticed I haven't been in to workout for a while and they hope I'm okay. So yeah...won't be working there. I'm not looking to work full time and make a ton of money but $10 a client?? You've gotta be outta your mind! So there are a few other gyms in town but I have really been thinking about lately is starting my own little training sinless and doing concierge training in people's homes or businesses as well as doing a bootcamp when the weather warms. That way I can charge what I want and be my own boss. But I'm not sure yet so stay tuned for that.

In other news, the MRI came back negative. I even had it sent to my surgeon in Memphis and he didn't see anything either. So. This is good news. But now I don't know what the heck it is. I am thinking just a pretty severe hip flexor strain. So I am doing my physical therapy and taking it easy. My doc said I could run as long as it was pain free but my PT said that was to a good idea. And as much as I miss running and really want to get back out there, I am going to take it easy. I would rather wait and heal then risk further damage. As long as I'm healthy by July to train for Brussels. Good Lord, that was déjà vu. Oh I know why. That's what I said A FREAKING YEAR AGO after all this garbage with my right hip. Will this ridiculous never end?

I just realized I haven't educated you dear reader(s) on a random bit of trivia like I used to do. My sincerest apologies. In light of my recent transition to eating Paleo, I did a little research (thanks Wikipedia) to refresh my memory on the Paleolithic Age. It's been a while since they covered that's school and, surprisingly enough, that's not knowledge I use every day :). So here's your trivia/refresher.

The Paleolithic Age (more commonly known as the Stone Age) was a long ass time ago. (That's scientific language right there folks). The Paleos (is that a word or should I just call them cave people?) created most of the tools that we use today. Wiki says 99% and according to the State Farm commercial (uhh...Bon jour) they can't put anything on the Internet that isn't true. They were hunters and gatherers (hence the basis of the Paelo diet) and they didn't stand fully erect. So there ya go. You are now officially re-educated on the Paleolithic Age.

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