Friday, October 12, 2012

The Joy of Being Sick

Yucky, yucky, yucky. The good news is it's not strep throat and it's getting better. The bad news is I hate being sick. I wasn't going to go to the doctor (because no one that works in healthcare is a good patient and goes to the doctor when they should) but while on travel this week, I was sort of "forced" into it. We were having a meeting about partnerships with Indian Health Service and Tribal clinics and we had our vendor for tele-health equipment doing a demo. For those of you who don't know what tele-health is, it's basically medical appointments done via video-conference. It's great for rural health because patients don't have to drive 3 hours one way for a 15 minute appointment. So...he was doing a demo and taking pictures of moles and such and I made a joke about having a sore throat so he could use the camera to look at my throat. So he hooks up the camera/tongue depressor and sticks it in my mouth and every clinician in the room at the same time said "Please go to the doctor" and other such phrases. So I went to the walk-in clinic and was told it's not strep. Just tonsilitis. And then I came home and slept for 17 hours. Guess I was tired too. But last weekend was lots of fun! One of my good friends from Memphis came to spend the long weekend and we headed north to the Keweenaw Peninsula. Had a FANTASTIC time! Just a few was GORGEOUS! The colors were amazing. And we learned all about copper mining. Of course, we were going to try to look at some camps I had found but of course, they didn't exist where they were supposed to exist. We had a great time though!
Also this past week...I experienced my first Native American sweat. It was AMAZING. It is hard to desribe why it is so powerful but it really is. It helped clear my psyche after all the drama that's been going on. I'm not fully over it but definitely not as upset as I was. I would really like to do another sweat sometime. It really was a cool experience. This week's lesson: This town really is small and you never know who you are going to meet.

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