Monday, October 22, 2012

First Day of Boot Camp read that right. MK is going to boot camp. Not like military boot camp, though. Exercise boot camp. It's called Best Body Bootcamp and tonight was my first workout. So far...I think this is going to be awesome! I mean, every ounce of my body hurts, except maybe my toes. But no pain, no gain right? I have to be honest though, I didn't complete the full interval training. I did half of it and thought I was going to fly off the back of the treadmill and since tomorrow is a running day, I decided to take it easy. But aside from that, I did the whole workout. My hip did start hurt a bit but I think it's because I haven't been doing as many squats or lunges as I did tonight. I think over time it will get better. Check it may want to do it the next round...
Less than 6 weeks until my first half-marathon. I can't believe it's almost here. I'm not quite ready for it but am really going to buckle down with my training. Looking forward to seeing all my friends in Memphis again...especially at the finish line!! What a great way to finish my first race. Plus my dad will be there so that will be nice as well. Last week, I was in DC for work. It was a great opportunity and I got to hang out in the city again. Of course, you know I can't go to DC and not have an "incident". This time, it wasn't the bicycle that got the better of me. It was the layout of the city and the stupid rain. So Monday night I decided that I would go to Legal Seafood for dinner. My favorite seafood place. Anyway...I was staying in a part of town I'd not been in before but I figured I could find it anyway and would walk there. Yeah...I should learn by now. So I started walking and 10 minutes later, I was back at my hotel. Yep...walked around the block. Unintentionally of course. So I pulled out the GPS on my phone (what did we do before GPS on phones?) and followed the little blue arrow. Luckily...I was a good Girl Scout and had my umbrella with me because shortly thereafter...a downpour. 45 minutes after I started I made it to the restaurant. I decided to take the Metro back to my hotel. It was better that way. I also got to see my cousin, Sarah Lynn, I haven't seen in 15 years! It was fantastic. I got to meet her fiance who is a very nice guy. Then I got to see Jess (my Princess half marathon buddy) and her baby Gwyn who just turned 1 and I hadn't met her yet. What fun!!
The surprise of the weekend was that our hotel was hosting the Miss Adams Morgan Pageant which, contrary to my initial thought, was NOT a traditional pageant. It was a drag pageant which led us to have some great conversations and great people watching! It's been a long time since I've been around the drag circuit so it was so much fun to be around those people.
So this week, I'm off to Milwaukee for a few days and then my mommy arrives!! WOO HOO!!! So excited to see her! Plus my Halloween/House Warming party is Saturday so lots of stuff going on! Have a great week!!

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