Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Fall has fallen

You can tell by the corn mazes and all the pumpkins everywhere. Did I mention I LOVE FALL?! Especially here in the U.P with all the colors!
I don't often say this about pictures of me, but this is actually a great picture!
I'm focusing on the positive these days. Turns out, there are crappy people everywhere including small town U.P. But...I'm going to stay positive and enjoy what life has to offer. Here are my positive outlooks today... One of my good friends from Memphis is coming to visit this weekend. I can hardly wait!! It will be so fantastic to have her here! We are heading north (can you believe it's possible to go further north?) because apparently the colors up there are more breathtaking than the ones here. It should be spectacular. Positive outlook number two...I had a fabulous idea today and it's going to work out. I am in DC week after next for work and my friend Jess who I am running the Princess Half Marathon with lives 3 hours away. I have yet to see her baby (who will be one this month) so they and her sister-in-law (who is also so much fun!) are going to come to the city and we are spending the weekend in DC! WOO HOO!!! It will be such fun! I haven't seen Jess in at least 2 years. So no pouty face for me. I refuse to let the yucky people win!

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