Sunday, July 8, 2012

Why are we so hard on ourselves?

This morning was my first 5K since my injury/surgery and, as I've said before, I was very anxious. Apparently, I was more anxious than I thought. When I got to registration, they didn't have my name on the list. I tried to remain calm as they told me that I would have to register again and then they would refund me once they confirmed I had already paid. Well, as you can imagine, this did not make me happy. So the lady "in charge" went to find the coordinator to figure out what to do. In the meantime, as others were registering, I was looking at the registration list and guess what? They had me listed as Kay, Mary. I couldn't believe it. So, of course, I corrected them :) Once that was all taken care of, I went back to my car to stretch, etc and that's when my wonderful brother called! It was during this conversation that I realized I was more worried/scared about this race than I had realized. I started crying, of course, about what if it hurts, blah blah blah. In true big brother fashion, he calmed me down and reassured me. So off I went.
Apparently, I missed the memo on how many hills were on this course. And they were not little hills. Here's the first one...
Okay, so you can't really tell from this picture but I promise it was a big hill. And there were several others like it. I ran up some and had to walk up others. Overall, I was glad my hip didn't hurt but very upset that I had to walk so much. I could sit here and list excuses/reasons why I had to walk but that won't help anything. So here are some other pics from the race today.

1 comment:

  1. I get nervous before every one...not that there have been alot! And I never finished one w/o walking until this year. It WILL happen :)
