Thursday, July 5, 2012

Hit the Ground Running

So the lesson this is not good to go more than a week without running for when you go again, you feel like your lungs will explode and your whole body wants to collapse. I'm going to blame it on the jet lag. Yep. That sounds like a fantastic reason why my run tonight was so tough. But, the important thing is that I ran. And I did nearly 3 miles. Now mind you, some of that was walking but there's nothing that says I have to run the entire half-marathon, right? I just have to finish. Preferably standing up right and not crawling on all fours. Speaking of the half-marathon...THANK YOU to those of you who have donated to my St. Jude page. If you haven't, here's the link. Any amount is greatly appreciated. While the race is not until December, I have to recommit to the $2500 by September or forfeit my entry so your contribution now is greatly appreciated. In preparation/training, I am running a local 5K on Sunday. I am excited/nervous. This is the first race I've done since my injury (last November) and will be the furthest distance I've done since I was cleared to run again. I am sure everything will be fine but there's always that little bit of hesitation. I haven't decided which super cute running outfit I will wear yet but I will post pics because I know you all will be waiting with baited breath to find out! I took some time yesterday to put my home office together a little more and came across pictures from high school and college. WOW! I have not changed at all. Other than the color of my hair. No wonder people think I look so young! I am going to scan some pics in this weekend and will post them for all to share. Especially the ones with my brother when he had a full head of hair. Really. Truly. He did!! Hope everyone has a happy Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see the race recap and hear you brag about how well you did. And of course to see which outfit you chose :)
