Thursday, October 3, 2013

Waffles, Waffles Everywhere

I bought a new camera the other day because mine died. It's supposed to have wi-fi so I can email myself pictures or post them on Facebook. However, I haven't had time to figure that out. And of course, that's where all my pictures from today are. So that's to helpful at all. Needless to say, you won't be seeing pictures on here for a while. 

There is this wonderful thing here in Belgium called the Belgian waffle. Have you heard of it? You may think  you have and you may even think you have eaten one. But, oh how wrong you would be. I may never have a US waffle again. Not only are there waffles sweeter here, they put delectable toppings on them. This morning I had a waffle with fresh strawberries and melted white chocolate. It was divine!!  Then for dessert tonight, I had a waffle with chocolate chip ice cream and melted milk chocolate. Exquisite!!  I think I gained 20 pounds today. 

Tomorrow is the chocolate tour day. 3 hours of chocolate shops and 45 minutes of learning how to make chocolate. Color me thrilled!!  

I will try to take some photos with my phone so I can post them here. 

Nighty night.  

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