Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Leaving On A Jet Plane

Oh wait...I'm already on the jet plane!  I'm not sure if the wi-fi will last long enough for me to publish this before we land but I am going to try. 

We finally made it to the day of the trip. Clearly, since I'm blogging on the plane. 

Hmmm...maybe I shouldn't have had that rum and diet less than an hour after taking two pain pills. My legs feel heavy. 

So the beautiful thing about purchasing our airline tickets last March is that we got to pick our seats before most and we ended up in the exit row on this flight. Not only is it an exit row it it's the exit row in the middle of the plane so it's like the bulkhead area as well. We have so much room it's wonderful. I was the ever giving sister and offered to sit next to the window because there was not as much leg room because of the exit door. So my dear brother thought he was getting the better ended that deal. Until he realized I could put my feet up on the door and really stretch out. But again, I am an amazing sister and switches places halfway through the flight. I'm so thoughtful! 

My legs really do feel heavy. Hmmmmm....

So I got an email late yesterday afternoon at work. One of the jobs I applied for a few weeks so decided they wanted to interview me. But they were doing interviews this week. I replied that I appreciated the opportunity but could I do it when I return to the states. Then I talked to one of my mentors and she suggested I offer to do it from Belgium because it would make me look more dedicated. So I offered thinking they wouldn't bother me with that on vacation. Yep. I was wrong. So at 9pm Belgian time tomorrow/today, I have to do an interview. And of course all my notes are in Iron Mountain. This should be interesting. After my interview though, I will be enjoying a large quantity of Stella. 

Well, I think that's enough for now. I may try again to sleep. I haven't been successful thus far but maybe now I can. 

Au revoir. 

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