Thursday, September 5, 2013

I Really Am Half Crazy!

I've been having this conversation with myself for the past few weeks (are you really surprised I talk to myself?)  What kind of run am I going to have in Belgium?  For those of you who are runners, you get it.  For those of you who are not...well...there's not really a good way for me to describe it so you will understand.  Let's just say that every runner, regardless of their ability, plans out their race in terms of pace, fluid intake, supplements (gels, blocks), etc in order to have the best race possible.  Throw in coming off an injury/surgery and it gets a bit more complicated. 

Here's my conundrum (gosh I love that word!).  I know I'm not going to be physically able to run the entire race.  Even if I was healthy, I haven't been training to run the whole race and haven't had enough time to do so.  That option is off the table.  So then the question becomes: what kind of interval am I going to run?  Am I going to run time intervals or distance intervals?  My running, to date, has been time intervals and that's been because that's what I was allowed (read: only way I was going to get to run) to do by my surgeon and PT.  Not that I'm complaining.  It's been a great way to ease back into the sport.  My intervals, however, have only gotten up to Run 6 Walk 1.  That's going to drive me crazy if I do that for 13.1 miles!  And we all know I don't need any help in the crazy department.  So my other option is to run distance intervals ie: run a mile walk a half mile, etc.  The question is do I have the lung capacity back to do that?  I don't have to run that mile fast but I'm certainly going to push myself. 

The decision I've reached is running distance intervals but how do I practice this?  I mean, sure.  I could do it during a training run.  But really?  Am I really going to do that?  Well, I probably would if I really took the time.  However! There is another option.  Yep...I registered today for the Iron Mountain Half Marathon.  This will allow me to test out my running distance intervals theory and see if I really can do it while still allowing myself a few weeks to recover before Belgium.  The catch in all of this??  Oh yeah...the Iron Mountain Half Marathon is NEXT SATURDAY.  As in 8 days from today.  And the most mileage I've run since being back is 2.5 miles.  Umm...last time I checked 2 1/2 miles is not anywhere close to 13.1.  Boy oh boy this will be interesting.

1 comment:

  1. Well.... you are a little crazy ;) will do fine!
