Friday, August 23, 2013

Americans vs Europeans

Yes it's been a while since I've blogged. Turns out running your own business on top of working 40 hours a week at another job plus training for a half marathon doesn't leave you much time for anything else. However, since I am currently (and recently as of a few hours ago), on vacation, I thought I'd take some time to blog. Here's the thing...most of you know what's been going on lately so I won't rehash it. Instead, I will share some vacation insight with you. 

First...apparently the older you get the more refined your hotel tastes and your willingness to pay ,ore for a hotel increase. Example: Waldorf-Astoria (2013) versus Best Western (2010). Now, I will say the I got a get deal both times and that may have been the driver. But....the last time I was not on the beach and did not have beach side waiters to bring me libations and othe...oh excuse me. I got distracted by eye candy on the beach. Damn! He's with a girl!!!  What was I saying??  Oh yeah...something about being refined...

Second...Delta Airlines can insert an adjective/noun/profanity here. But I digress because I'm refined and shit. 

Third...and here's the epiphany I've had since lying in the beach. Brace yourselves because I don't have epiphanies often. We, as Americans, are way more insecure about our bodies than any other country.  There are numerous Europeans here on this beach who do not have the "ideal" body and don't seem to give a rats ass about it. I, on the other hand, am sucking in my stomach and am self-conscious about my bi-lateral hip scars. Not really a big deal in the grand scheme of things but what is it that makes us so insecure? Is not like other countries don't get the same movies and TV shows that we do that show hard bodies (or at least decent bodies) so what is it???  Are we born with that need to be perfect? Do Europeans feel superior and not care? It's hard to say, I suppose. 

I used to say when I was growing up that I didn't like being so thin. I know, it's a terrible problem to have. And as I've aged (and had a hysterectomy that has completely changed my metabolism) I think back fondly on those days and laugh at my naïveté.  I also said that I would never stop eating what I want even if it meant working out every single day. Well...that's changed too! Clearly. there are people who should be insecure...mainly hairy men...and perhaps insecure is the wrong word. I mean who am I to judge them and their hairiness. 

So...lesson learned today...MK is philosophical when drinking and MK should not blog when drinking. 

More to come...

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