Monday, July 1, 2013

Living the Dream

Holy cannoli!  It's been a month since I posted anything.  Wow...I am not a good blogger.  I have thought about posting many times and just never seemed to get around to it.  You know how it is.  Life just gets in the way sometimes.  So here's where we are with all things MK.

Hip progress is slow but steady.  It's been incredibly frustrating some days with the great weather FINALLY!  I've been cleared to "power walk" in intervals.  Yeah, I was not designed to power walk.  But it's all I've got at this point so I guess I will suck it up.  The first time I went for a power walk was last Tuesday.  I didn't make it .8 miles before the pain started.  Boy oh boy was I frustrated.  So I was talking with the PT Assistant at the clinic I go to and she asked me if I had been stretching.  Of course I hadn't been because no one told me it was okay for me to do.  So yesterday, I did some stretching and what a difference that made.  I was able to go 2 miles before the pain.  It was WONDERFUL!!  Oh the simple joys in life sometimes. 

I made a trip to sunny San Francisco to go to my 20th MLB ball park with mom and pop.  It was a great trip despite the travel delays and having a terrible head cold. 

I won't go into the boring details of the travel problems.  Let's just say that I decided to fly out of Iron Mountain for the first time in about 6 months and that was a mistake.  It's worth it to drive to Green Bay.  Delta is quickly becoming my least favorite airline.  UGH...

In other news, my business is starting to take off.  I have two full time clients (2 times a week each) and one client that is paying as she goes so I'm not sure how often she will be training.  It's a pretty cool feeling knowing that I am actually doing this and that people are signing up.  I can only imagine what will happen when I advertise.  I'm currently working on that and hope to have some kind of add in the newspaper or on the radio by the end of July, if not sooner.  I keep telling people that if I could make the same amount training that I do at the VA, I would quit my job tomorrow and just train full time.  I love it that much!! 

I have a new music recommendation for you.  Her name is Ivy Levan and she's sings what she calls "Swamp Hop."  It sounds kind of 50s/60s-ish with a modern twist.  She just released her first EP and it's very good.  All four songs are very catchy and I think she will be a big hit soon. 

I think that's about it for now.  You would think I would have more since it's been so long.  And I probably do but it's escaping me right now. 

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