Monday, November 3, 2014

A New Chapter Has Begun

Wow. I can't believe it's been over 5 months since I last posted!  I mean it's not like I had anything going on....

I am pleased to say that I am settled in my new place and thoroughly enjoying the fall weather out here.  It's surreal that it is November and 70-80 degrees every day.  I could get used to this.

Now that I'm settled in, all things related to Beckley Fitness are back up and running including this blog.  My goal is to post at least weekly with new exercises for you to try, healthy eating tips, words of wisdom and encouragement or anything else related to health and fitness.  I need your help, though, dear reader.  Please spread the word about this blog and Beckley Fitness.  While I am based in LA, I can do virtual training as well so if you know someone who is looking to drop weight, train for a race (5K, 10K or half marathon) or needs nutrition assistance, please send them my information.  Personal training is primarily a referral business so the more you spread the word the better.  Thanks, in advance, for your help.  It really is appreciated.  This dream of mine can only become a reality with assistance from my friends and family (and hard work, of course!)  Dare to dream out loud!

Be Bold.  Be You.